Non-Emergency Dispatch: (801)395-8221
Main Office: (801)782-3580
Office Hours 7:30-6:00 p.m.

Weber Fire District
Wildland Division
About our Wildland Division
The Weber Fire District's Wildland Division consists of highly trained wildland professionals who are called to respond to wildfires as well as all-risk incidents on local, state, and federal levels. The Wildland Division provides valuable resources and services to our communities as well as state and federal jurisdictions. The District's Wildland program offers many different resources, serving and achieving a range of missions.

People living, working, and recreating in the wildland-urban interface (WUI), feel the effects of wildland fire. Every year families are evacuated, and structures are destroyed as the result of wildland fires.
There are tools that can assist professionals and homeowners in mitigating the risk of damage from wildland fires. One available resource that can help make your home and property more adaptive to survive in the wildland-urban interface zone is mitigation.
What is mitigation?....
Mitigation is the act of reducing the severity or seriousness of something.
Wildland mitigation is the act of removing flammable vegetation to create a defensible space. Prevention is key and is proven to reduce the risk and costs of wildland fire.​
Mitigation Steps you can take
You can make your home survivable and your community adaptable to wildfire.
Keep driveway accessible and address visible.
Keep flammable materials at least 30 feet from any structure.​
Keep vegetation and mowed lawns 100 feet from any structure.
Keep storage shed located away from home.
Keep chimney cleaned and screened.
Thin and prune trees.

A program offered to high-risk Weber Fire District communities within the Weber County Wildland Urban Interface Zone. In accordance with The State of Utah's, Cooperative Wildfire Systems.
Weber Fire District Wildland Division sends a crew to your home to perform a home assessment of your home's wildland fire risk. After the home assessment, you will be given recommendations on adequate defensible space. If the property owner chooses to follow the recommendations.
The property owner is responsible to remove the vegetation.
Place all removed vegetation on the property closest to the road.
The District's Wildland Crew will come and chip the pile.
The property owner is then responsible for the clean-up and disposal of the chipped pile.
The mitigation program guidelines are:
Must be within the Weber Fire District service area.
You must be a community listed in the Weber County Wildland Urban Interface Zone or in a designated area that is at high risk for a catastrophic wildland fire.
A community having more than 12 homes in a high-risk area qualifies for a mitigation project
A community prevention meeting must take place before any mitigation project can begin and a designated contact must be assigned.
To record mitigation hours click the button below
For questions please contact:
Rick Cooper, Fire Warden
Phone: 801-782-3580 Ext. 206
E-mail: rcooper@weberfd.com