Non-Emergency Dispatch: (801)395-8221
Main Office: (801)782-3580
Office Hours 7:30-6:00 p.m.

Message from the Chief
I am proud to welcome you to Weber Fire District.
It is my privilege to lead the men and women of WFD who are dedicated to their profession and to serving their communities. Weber County is well served through the dedication of these professionals and their focus on our mission, vision, and values: all designed to protect and serve you.
We are a career fire department of highly dedicated men and women supported by an incredible support staff. Service is delivered from six stations strategically located throughout Weber County. Weber Fire District provides a wide variety of emergency services including fire, emergency medical, hazardous materials, technical rescue, wildland and any other emergency response that we may be faced with. We also provide fire prevention, inspection, and public education programs.
WFD serves the growing communities of Farr West, Marriott-Slaterville, West Haven, Hooper, Huntsville, Uintah, and the unincorporated areas of Weber County. Further, through automatic and mutual aid agreements, and because of our strategic station locations, we are often called on to assist all fire departments and communities within Weber County.
Our service area is 515 square miles with a growing population of 65,464. We are proud of our communities and the partnerships we have formed. We are focused on being an effective and responsive part of all communities and areas of the county in which we operate. We feel blessed to work in such a beautiful place. From the Great Salt Lake, to the Wasatch Mountain Range, to the Ogden Upper Valley, our communities and response areas are a great place to live, work, and play.
We are guided and supported by a Board of Directors made up of elected and appointed leaders from each of the cities and unincorporated areas of the District. This Board is focused on ensuring the Weber Fire District not only meets but exceeds the needs of their communities and service areas; as well as supporting our operations to all areas served. We have found great strength in the synergism of this Board and are inspired by their dedication to our mission. Bringing these communities together in service has been the very reason we are able to do all that we do.
If I, or any member of the Weber Fire District, can be of assistance please do not hesitate to reach out.
Fire Chief
Weber Fire District